Sunday, December 11, 2016

Guest Blogger: Min. William Ellis "Bible Study Talk"

HEY Kickers! Welcome back to my blog! Today's bible study will be taught by Youth Minister William Ellis! Hope you enjoy todays featured blogger!

Challenge Challenge Challenge 

These last few weeks social media has been taken over by the latest craze...challenges. Hashtag challenge this. Hashtag challenge that. What makes it more concerning is that believers are participating in these challenges. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that there is something wrong with that. If we are called to be a light in darkness (Matthew 5:14), why do we try so hard to blend in? The two top challenges are the #unameitchallenge and #mannequinchallenge. 
Like I mentioned earlier I don't see anything wrong with believers doing the challenges, but what if these challenges could go past social media? Let's start with the mannequin challenge. This challenge is a recording of a person or a group of people not mannequins in our favorite department stores. Then we have the you name it challenge. Part of Pastor Shirley Caesar's “Hold My Mule”(yep go ahead and listen to it) song is used while many are dancing or lip syncing to it. 
So we have the likes, shares, and everything else that these challenges bring. Some do it for popularity, others do it because they are bored, and few do it just to say they did it. Imagine if believers really did the mannequin challenge in life. Picture it. God and nonbelievers are looking at us. Seeing if we are going to move when we get bad news. How about when our flesh want to go off on someone?Believe it or not, but there are people watching and waiting to see if we are standing like a tree planted by the water (Jeremiah 17:8). That's the real mannequin challenge. Then we have the “u name it challenge”. How many times do we actually declare great things out of our mouth? We will speak negativity and then a week later wonder why we are going through. I can remember after this year's election how I saw and heard so many believers saying the most crazy things. Have we forgotten that we will have whatever we say (Mark 11:23)? When you wake up in the morning what is your confession? Try naming the things God has for you like peace, joy, a future, grace, hope, favor.....YOU NAME IT!
Now that I have your mind thinking, it is my prayer that as believers (especially my generation) we use these challenges as witnessing tools. Better yet let's challenge each other to loving more, praying more, studying God's word, and being a  living witness in the earth. Let's challenge ourselves to live a life on purpose. Remember you are light. Don't let anyone dim you down. You are suppose to be bright and shine! When WE shine...we lead others to the true light, Jesus Christ. #turndownforwhatchallenge

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